1 min readAug 30, 2020
Hello, Bradly
The code discussed in the article will download the stock data of each company in a separate excel file.
def stockdata(ticker): start= dt.datetime(2000,1,1) ## Start Date Range
end=dt.datetime.now() ## Curret date as end date Range
Stock=web.DataReader(ticker, "yahoo", start, end)
name=str(ticker) + ".xlsx"
return ()""" Filename - stockdownload.py"""
import GetStockData
ticker= ["MU", "ASML","TSM","QCOM", "UMC", "^SOX", "INTC","^IXIC"]
for i in ticker:
You need to then consolidate the Adjusted closing price column from each spreadsheet into a common sheet as shown in the screenshot.
Hope it helps. If you need more information or guidance then please do let me know.